

People who have intestinal parasites (a condition that is considered pandemic in America and the world) have a pancreas insufficiency!  Why?  Because the pancreatic protease enzymes, as they pass through the intestines, help rid the GI Tract of bacteria, worms, protozoa, candida and fungi.

Now, think about all the millions of dollars that American consumers have spent buying herbs like green black-walnut, and expensive parasite cleanse programs, and building “zappers,” all which have helped many people, but have never gone back to the root-cause of the problem – a protease pancreatic enzyme insufficiency!

Statistics show that over one billion people worldwide are afflicted with one or more kinds of parasites.  While many parasitic diseases occur in third world countries, the United States is now also seeing an increasing prevalence of parasite-related problems.


A nationwide survey was conducted in 1976 by public health and private laboratories across the United States.  The results were compiled by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta.  Approximately 450,000 feces samples were examined and of these, 15.6% were found to contain one or more parasites.  With more advanced diagnostic techniques now available, health experts suggest that infestation percentages may today be twice as high as the 1976 survey or about one person in three.

Note: In the “September ’08 Dr. Tips Maui Rejuvenation Program” that includes daily colonics, far-infrared saunas, ionic foot baths, supplementation, and special diet, six out of seven people passed visible parasites, some as long as 15 inches.  In the August ’07 program, a schoolteacher passed a 20-foot tape worm and six out of eight people passed parasites.  It seems that the parasite issue is indeed pandemic.


Most Common Clinical Symptoms of Parasites

Gastrointestinal tract problems are the most classic of all symptoms, such as recurrent diarrhea, alternating diarrhea and constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain or cramps, and nausea.  General weakness or fatigue, which no amount of rest relieves, may be a sign.  Other common symptoms are weight gain or loss, intestinal toxemia, dysentery, and peri-anal or perineal pruritus (itching), and hyperactivity in children.


The toxicity produced by parasites can initiate symptoms anywhere in the body.  These toxins put a heavy additional burden on the liver that is already overloaded in neutralizing the contaminants of modern day life present in food, air, chemicals and drugs.

A common indicator that parasites may be present is heavy mucus in the body as worms create a mucus overlay that may block absorption and utilization of nutrients in the intestinal tract.  Other health problems may also be a sign of parasites such as acne or skin problems, allergies, arthritis, head aches or a post nasal drip that will not go away.  A craving for sugar and a ravenous appetite may also be present.  The additional demand for food may be necessary to sustain both the patient and the unwanted guest(s).

Four Classes of  Parasites

There are some 3,200 different varieties of parasites divided into four main groups.  Each group must be treated in its own way.  The groups include:

CESTODA Among the oldest known parasites, tapeworms are considered humanity’s largest intestinal inhabitant.  A typical tapeworm consists of a head with hooks and suckers by which it attaches itself to the wall of the intestine.  As long as the head remains attached to the intestinal mucosa, a new worm can grow from it.  It also has a series of segments that may number up to several thousand.  They are whitish in color, flat, and ribbon-like, with a covering that is a transparent skin-like layer.  The most common varieties are beef tapeworm up to 40 feet in length, and pork tapeworm up to 22 feet long.  Infestation usually occurs when uncooked or improperly prepared meat is eaten, especially beef or pork.

Common cestoda include:  Beef, Pork, Fish, and Dog tapeworm.


NEMATODE Nematode creatures are multi cellular.  The adult worms multiply by producing eggs called ova or larvae.  The eggs usually become infectious in soil or in an intermediate host before humans are infected.  Unless the worm infestation is heavy, many individuals do not show signs of disease.  The human host can coexist quite comfortably with a few worms, unless they reproduce in great numbers and create organ obstruction.  Experts claim that ‘some type of worm is already in the intestines of over 75 percent of the world’s population.’  This is a frightening statement.

Members of this class include the true roundworms or threadworms, which vary in size from 0.2 to 35 centimeters in length.  They are cylindrical or spindle-shaped worms possessing a resistant cuticle.

Roundworms may inhabit the intestinal tract or may migrate into the lymphatics, pancreas, heart, lungs, liver or body cavities.  The source of infection may be eggs or larva from the soil found in vegetables, or from mosquitoes, flies or infected pork (trichinosis).

Common nematode include:  Roundworm, Hookworm, Pinworm, Heart worm, Strongyloides, Trichinella, Filaria, etc.

PROTOZOA Making up approximately 70 percent of all parasites, protozoa are invisible to the naked eye.  They are one-celled microscopic organisms, but don’t let their size fool you.  Certain protozans, through their intensely rapid reproductive ability, can take over the intestinal tract of their host; and from there go on to other organs and tissues.  Some feed on red blood cells.  Some protozoa produce cysts – closed sacs in which they may be safely transported through food and water from one person to another.  In the cyst state, protozoans are safe from destruction by human digestive juices.  These one-celled ‘vampires’ can actually destroy the tissues of their hosts.  According to experts, an estimated 7 million people across the U.S. have some form of protozoa living inside of them.

Most protozoa are single-celled microscopic parasites that migrate through the blood stream to all parts of the body.  Examples are giardia lamblia (the most prevalent parasite in the U.S.) and entamoeba histolytica which may be contracted from various water supplies, unclean food preparation, handling infected pets or animals, diaper changing, swimming, and water recreation activities.  Transmission is “fecal-oral.”  The protozoan cyst is shed in the feces and later enters the body through the mouth.

Common protozoa include:  Endolimas nana, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, etc.

TREMATODE Trematode are leaf-shaped flatworms also known as flukes.  They are parasitic during nearly all of their life-cycle forms.  The cycle begins when larvae are released into freshwater by infected snails.  The free-swimming larvae can then directly penetrate the skin of the human host or are ingested after encysting in or on various edible, vegetation, fish, or crustaceans.

Flukes generally travel through the tissues and settle in the liver, kidneys, lungs or intestinal tract.  Flukes are spread via exposure to contaminated water, nuts, vegetables and fresh water fish.  In recent years, flukes have become much more prevalent in lakes, ponds and streams, throughout the U.S. Flukes are typically 1 – 2.5 centimeters in length.

Common trematode include:  Intestinal fluke, Blood fluke, Liver fluke, Oriental lung fluke, and sheep liver fluke.


  1. Tapeworms (Cestoda)
  2. Roundworms (Nematoda)
  3. Protozoa
  4. Flukes (Trematoda)

Life Cycles of Parasites

Parasites from the roundworm and tapeworm families go through three distinct stages of development in their life cycle.  (This does not apply to protozoa or flukes.)

1. Stage One is the egg that may stay in the system for months or years in a dormant state until the body chemistry becomes ideal for the parasite’s growth.  The egg does not yield to treatment easily but is designed to pass out with the feces to infect a new host.

2. Stage Two is the grub or larvae stage.  These are very active and can chew or burrow their way through intestinal walls and other tissues.  They may move via the blood or lymphatics and lodge in other organs.  This is especially true of roundworms from the nematoda family.

3. Stage Three is the adult that develops after the grub has found a suitable site to call home.  The adult worm reproduces new eggs and the life cycle continues.

A. S. “Doc” Wheelwright, through thirty years of experience with thousands of patients, found that 15 day cycles of treatment were the most effective.  Each 15 day cycle is repeated four times for a total of 60 days.  Each 15 day cycle consists of taking the appropriate formula (VRM1 or VRM2) for ten consecutive days and then stopping for five days.  Then repeat 10 days on with the formula and 5 days off.  Repeat for 4 to 6 cycles.  

This 15 day cycle is 10 days on, 5 days off, 10 days on, 5 days off, etc. for a minimum of four full 15 day cycles.  The minimum to assure success is 60 days, although 90 days (6 full cycles) may be required.  This is known as the Wheelwright Cycle.

Short term programs (less than 60 days) may do more hard than good.  They only offer a temporary relief of symptoms but may delay a complete clearing of the problem.  Symptoms will normally return when the next generation of parasites reaches the adult stage.

Important Cautionary Note:

To stop a parasite program in the middle could be hazardous to one’s health.  Caution your patients about this.  One should never start a parasite program unless they fully intend to complete the entire program (a minimum of 60 days – four full 15 day cycles for tapeworms [VRM1] and roundworms [VRM2]).

A tapeworm (known as the mother parasite) exudes a chemical into the intestinal tract which inhibits the hatching of its eggs while it is still alive.  This is why there is normally only one adult tape worm in the intestines at a time.

The elimination of this one tapeworm in the first or second 15 day cycle, however, may allow the hatching of myriads of tapeworm eggs in the intestines.  If the eggs become adults and are not destroyed, the body can be over-run with parasites.  This eventually could prove life-threatening.

This is why a minimum of four full cycles (60 days) is required.  If there is any question about the duration of the program, have the patient do six full cycles (90 days total) to be certain to complete the job.

A parasite program is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or children under the age of six.

There are many pharmaceutical drugs available for parasitic infections.  Fortunately the botanical world also provides specific herbs that are just as effective, without so many side effects.

Preventing Parasitic Infestation

We extend a special thank you to Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S. for providing a version of the following list.  Ann Louise is one of this country’s formost nutritionists, as well as a leading expert on parasites.  She is the author of Beyond Pritikin,Super Nutrition for Women, and numerous health articles.

The Perils of Benefactors, the Blessings of Parasites

Before we jump on the common “bash parasites” bandwagon, let’s get our bearings.  What is a parasite?  It’s simply an organism that lives off another species in a symbiotic relationship that benefits the parasite (thus mostly to the detriment of the host).  From this perspective, parasites that impact human health include virus, bacteria, protozoa, spirochetes, fungi, and a host of worms, and mostly to our detriment.

Parasites are survival artists.  Some are so adept at survival that they cause horrible diseases such as malaria, sleeping sickness, arthritis, cancer, and ultimately death in human beings, and there are numerous species of worms that are quite happy to feast upon people and make them sick.  Thus, parasites are considered major enemies of health.

On the less severe scale, parasites are linked with food allergies, nasal allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, inflammatory reactions, constipation, diarrhea, growths, cysts, apathy, depression, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, nervousness, mental fog, insatiable appetite, restlessness, hives, eczema, skin ulcers, difficulty losing weight, difficulty gaining weight, and carbohydrate food cravings to name a few.  The symptoms are so diverse because the worms’ metabolic wastes and toxic secretions systemically affect the body and the symptoms appear in remote locations.

While our knee-jerk reaction is to want to eradicate all parasites, here’s an interesting insight.  Medical research is experimenting with giving Crohn’s (auto-immune intestinal inflammation) patients seven-inch worms known as a helminthes and finding that if these worms inhabit the intestines, the Crohn’s stops.  Why?  Because the helminthes give the immune system something to occupy its activities and thus it stops errantly tearing up the intestines.  So the presence of parasites might actually help establish a proper immunological response in human beings and assist with the survival of our species.  From this perspective, parasites are part of life on earth to which the human being is adapted.

Parasitic Prevalence – They’re Everywhere

Statistics show that over a billion people worldwide are afflicted with one or more kinds of parasites.  While many parasitic diseases occur in third world countries, the United States is now also seeing an increasing prevalence of parasite-related problems.

A nationwide survey was conducted in 1976 by public health and private laboratories across the United States.  The results were compiled by the Atlanta Center for Disease Control.  Some 450,000 feces samples were examined, and of these, 16% were found to contain parasites.  With more advanced diagnostic techniques now available, health experts suggest that infestation percentages may today be six times higher and be affecting the health of over 85% of the population.

Louis Parish, M.D., wrote in 1991 “based on my experience, I estimate in the New York metropolitan area that 25% of the population is infected.”  Dr. Peter Weina at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research wrote, “We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States – it’s just not being identified.  Dr. Hazel Parcells, wrote as early as 1974, “Make no mistake about it, worms are the most toxic agents in the human body.  They are one of the primary underlying causes of disease and are the most basic cause of a compromised immune system.”  And Leo Galland, M.D., published in 1988 in Townsend Letter for Doctors,  “I strongly believe that every patient with disorders of immune function including multiple allergies (especially food allergy), and patients with unexplained fatigue or with chronic bowel symptoms should be evaluated for the presence of intestinal parasites.”

Parasites are prevalent, easy to get, hard to detect, and require some effort to get rid of them.  They are in the air and water, in fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish and meat; on and in pets and their fleas, in mosquito and tick bites, so they are virtually everywhere.  You can take it for granted that you are being exposed to parasites!  But are they living inside you?  That depends upon your susceptibility and that is based on your terrain and immune system.

Why Parasites Are So Harmful

Not only do some parasitic worms feast on your body and destroy tissue and red blood cells, they secrete toxins.  Some toxins are their metabolic wastes, some are their defense mechanisms, and some delay the hatching of eggs so they pass out of the body and do not offer competition to the mother worm.

These toxins are the reason that parasite symptoms are systemic – from neurological disorders, emotion disorders, to auto-immune diseases, to skin issues – and these varied symptoms can come from a remotely located parasite.

Many of the toxins are quite poisonous such as ammonia that demands immediate detoxification by the liver.  Often, the toxins leave you, the host, sick with ailments that cannot be identified.  It’s as if the parasite wants you to be sick with a suppressed immune system, but not dead if it needs you as a host.

How To Tell If You Have Parasites

Parasites are hard to detect because they are adept at hiding.  It’s part of their survival niche and processes.  Stool tests that are negative are not conclusive because the specimen may not have had a segment or egg in it.  There are over a thousand species of parasites, but medical tests can only detect approximately sixty.  This prompts some people to do an annual parasite cleanse with long established and well-proven herbal formulas.

Here is a questionnaire to help you suspect if parasites are a consideration your symptom picture:

Parasite Quiz

There are many causes for each symptom listed below.  Assign points to each symptom and see if a pattern develops.

0 – symptom never occurs
1 – symptom occurs occasionally
2 – symptom occurs frequently
3 – symptom occurs regularly

01.  Restless sleep (toss, turn, wake often) 0  1  2  3
02.  Skin problems, rashes, itches 0  1  2  3
03.  Increased appetite, hungry after meals 0  1  2  3
04.  Frequent diarrhea, loose stool 0  1  2  3
05.  Grinding of teeth when asleep 0  1  2  3
06.  Variable, changeable consistency of stool 0  1  2  3
07.  Picking at nose, boring nose with finger 0  1  2  3
08.  Abdominal pains 0  1  2  3
09.  Vertical wrinkles around mouth 0  1  2  3
10.  Rectal, anal itch 0  1  2  3
11.  Parallel lines (tracks) in soles of feet 0  1  2  3
12.  Intestinal cramps, burning 0  1  2  3
13.  Irritable (no apparent reason) 0  1  2  3
14.  Feel bloated, gaseous, no known cause 0  1  2  3
15.  Diarrhea alternates with constipation 0  1  2  3
16.  Bowel urgency, occasional accidents 0  1  2  3
17.  Hyperactive tendency (nervous) 0  1  2  3
18.  Dark circles under eyes 0  1  2  3
19.  Need for extra sleep, wake unrefreshed 0  1  2  3
20.  Allergies, food sensitivities 0  1  2  3
21.  Fevers of unknown origin 0  1  2  3
22.  Night sweats (not menopausal) 0  1  2  3
23.  Kiss pets, allow pets to lick your face 0  1  2  3
24.  Anemia 0  1  2  3
25.  Frequent colds, flu, sore throats 0  1  2  3
26.  Go barefoot in park, public streets 0  1  2  3
27.  Travel in 3rd world countries 0  1  2  3
28.  Eat lightly cooked pork products 0  1  2  3
29.  Eat sushi, sashimi 0  1  2  3
30.  Sleep with pets on bed 0  1  2  3
31.  Bed wetting 0  1  2  3
32.  Men:  sexual dysfunction 0  1  2  3
33.  Forgetfulness 0  1  2  3
34.  Slow reflexes 0  1  2  3
35.  Loss of appetite 0  1  2  3
36.  Yellowish face 0  1  2  3
37.  Heart beat rapid 0  1  2  3
38.  Heart pain 0  1  2  3
39.  Pain in umbilicus 0  1  2  3
40.  Blurry, unclear vision 0  1  2  3
41.  Pain: back, thighs, shoulders 0  1  2  3
42.  Lethargy, apathy 0  1  2  3
43.  Numbness, tingling in hands, feet 0  1  2  3
4.  Burning pains in the stomach, intestines 0  1  2  3
45.  Menstrual problems 0  1  2  3
46.  Dry lips during day, damp at night 0  1  2  3
47.  Drooling while asleep 0  1  2  3
48.  Occult blood in stool (from lab test) 0  1  2  3
49.  History of giardia, pin worms, worms 0  1  2  3
50.  Swim in creeks, rivers, lakes 0  1  2  3
Total: _______

10 – 14 points = maybe2
1 – 25 points = likely (further testing helpful)
15 – 20 points = suspect parasites
25 or more = parasites involvement probable

Call Bridge To Higher Health for a brief 15 minute consult at no charge to answer any concerns you may have! Or schedule an appointment!


What To Do About Parasites?

Fortunately, herbal medicine has dealt with parasites for centuries and there are many formulas available.  Time has shown how to outthink parasites and get them out of your body, as well as how to improve your terrain so they do not find you to be a favorable host.

First, little information is available on your pancreas’ role in preventing parasites – yet it’s the reason why some people retain parasites and others don’t.  it’s the proteolytic enzymes, protease, trypsin, chymotrypsin made by your pancreas that makes intestinal parasites uncomfortable and want to live elsewhere.  People who overeat, snack too much, eat sugar and refined carbohydrates, deplete these enzymes and become more susceptible.  The pandemic rise in diabetes is a testimony to our errant dietary habits affecting the pancreas.  Fortunately there are diets and herbal/nutritional supplements that support the pancreas’ tissue integrity and help maintain a healthy pancreas which, in turn, keeps parasites away.

The most effective parasite cleanse programs are given in cycles such as ten days on, five days off.  This allows the herbal and enzymatic ingredients to first expel the mother worm, then be absent so residual eggs hatch and become vulnerable to the next course of the therapy.  Most practitioners recommend four cycles to be completely thorough.

Mobile parasites that are in the body and not in the intestines do not need the cyclic approach and can be effectively eliminated with different herbal formulas that do not have the damaging side-effects of drugs.

A healthy lifestyle and periodic parasite cleanses can keep parasites from enjoying your facilities and thus prevent you from suffering the diseases and side effects of unwanted dinner guests.

Food Allergies

Most food allergies are based on improper digestion.  Some digestive problems will be inherited (genetically predetermined as in hives from strawberries), but most are acquired because of a weakening of the digestive process, or inability to process a genetically-altered, hybridized food such as modern wheat, corn, and soy, or a man-altered food such as milk.

Even good foods such as broccoli or rice become allergenic when the digestive system fails to properly digest it.  This is a two-fold problem.  First, if a macromolecule of food enters the bloodstream, the immune system will attack it because it cannot be converted to a molecule compatible or “humanized” with the body.  This is called the “leaky gut syndrome” because the intestines allowed the large, poorly digested molecules to pass into the body.  Why does this occur?  Generally, the problem is blamed on micro-parasites damaging the intestinal lumen, causing lesions that allow the macromolecule foods to bypass the intestinal villi and absorb directly into the blood stream.  Second, poorly digested foods ferment or putrefy in the bowel inflicting a stress on the liver and poisoning the bloodstream.  Both these consequences impact the immune system.

Many great Naturopaths claim that “all disease starts in the bowel.”  Doc Wheelwright used to say, “All disease starts on the plate.”  He would then emphasize the importance of proper digestion and protection of the pancreatic enzymes for optimal health.

Back in 1935, research articles were published regarding the effective treatment of food allergies with pancreatic enzymes.  Something so simple does not have much appeal for people who want to test hundreds of allergens and patients, scratch and bleed them, and ponder the antibody response.  Many problems are as simple as correcting the diet and restoring the pancreas’s integrity for proper protease enzyme production.


From a philosophical perspective, infection with the “disease” Candidiasis* may be the most profound BLESSING for mankind in the 20th Century!  It may be difficult to understand how a disease can be a blessing, particularly when you see people with the many symptoms of pathogenic* Candida albicans* (fatigue, allergies, premenstrual syndrome, depression, intestinal bloating, chronic vaginal infections), but this condition puts several aspects of our lifestyle under close scrutiny and demands a radical departure from our current course.  And if our success in understanding and conquering candida as an illness becomes a model by which to live a joyous, healthful, fulfilled life; then it is indeed a profound blessing.

From a less lofty perspective – one that admits humankind will probably not make the necessary changes in diet, attitude, health care, and life-style – then it might be too late already.  Candidiasis will remain the silent specter, snapping at the immune system’s heels, driving the body to ruin.

Ultimately the decision belongs to the individual.  If you have a pioneering spirit and a strong survival instinct, you will consider this material open-mindedly, and you too can conquer candida.  But understand right now that to conquer candida requires a total health approach.  This means restoration of the immune system, endocrine system, and digestive/eliminative/hepatic (liver) system.

Here is a quick definition for those unfamiliar with exactly what candida is.  Candida is a microbe known as yeast, which is a normal inhabitant of the body.  For a variety of reasons (weak immunity, use of antibiotic drugs, presence of heavy metals), it can become a pathogen – a disease-causing fungus that feeds on the body and weakens the immune system leaving a person susceptible to allergies, AIDS, chronic fatigue (Epstein-Barr), herpes, and many other illnesses.

Candida is called a disease because the fungal aspect is an infection.  Actually candidiasis is only a SYMPTOM of a weakened immune system.  The real problem is weak or overburdened immunity, not the “bug” candida.  Thus Candida is the “canary in the mine shaft” giving early warning that xenobiotic chemicals, heavy metals, errant immunizations, radiations, and disruptions to the earth’s magnetic field (cell phones), have weakened the immune system to the point where it struggles to keep yeast in check due to the yeast-mutation-favorable terrain established by toxins in the body.

So far, treatments for candidiasis have not been very effective.  The best ones are only controlling it, doing little to repair the damage already done.  This is like treading water in hungry shark territory.  The person’s not drowning, but danger is imminent.

It must be said emphatically that candidiasis can be conquered.  This is a powerful statement because most people are fortunate to be able to barely control candida, much less conquer it.  There is indeed an answer, but it may not be as simple or convenient as people with unnatural lifestyles.  There is evidence that once people contract candidiasis, they always have a predisposition towards it.  This means that, once conquered, candida can return and is likely to do so if the proper environment is once again provided.  We’ll take a look at “proper environment,” and most importantly, how to avoid it.

Candidiasis is only a symptom that we have gone astray from the natural health process of the body.  And the damage, if caught early, can be corrected.  It’s true that our medical leaders have led us astray, but ignorance never has been an excuse, and ultimately we must be responsible for our own health and make necessary changes ourselves.  Fortunately great strides have been made in nutritional therapies and biological medicine* that provide answers to help people return to a healthy, vibrant life-style.

There’s one detrimental attitude that must be addressed up front.  It’s the doom and gloom attitude that some doctors and nutritionists are putting on people with candidiasis.  Such attitudes don’t’ help and only get in the way.  Let’s drop the idea of suffering with restricted diets and crawling through life with reduced energy levels.  This doesn’t have to be!  Let go of the idea that candidiasis is a disease that is beyond control.  Such limiting concepts are false.

Also, since the toxic by-products of candida can cause depression and a lack of self confidence, a person’s self-defeating attitude can have a bio-chemical basis.  This is particularly true of people affected with the Epstein Barr virus (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).  A secondary effect is depression and a belief that there is no help and life is hardly worth living.  This is quickly reinforced by doctors who tell these people there is no cure and they must learn to live with chronic fatigue and profound self-pity.  Clinically we have found this not to be true because nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic therapies have restored many chronic fatigue sufferers in two to three months as evidenced by their return to the workplace, sustained energy, and positive attitudes.

Candida overgrowth is not really new.  Hippocrates (the father of medicine) mentioned it a while back in Greece’s golden age.  Flare ups called “thrush” and “vaginitis” have been around for centuries – not a common ailment until recently, but one mentioned in some of the older medical, eclectic, and herbology books.  But in the past these were considered acute conditions.  Candidiasis as we now know it has become a chronic degenerative disease, lingering, smoldering, and slowly destroying the body’s vital functions.  And TODAY’S VARIETIES OF CANDIDA-TYPE INFECTIONS MAY WELL BE GENETICALLY DIFFERENT THAN PREVIOUSLY KNOWN – MORE VIRULENT AND MORE RESISTANT TO TREATMENT.

Call Bridge To Higher Health for a brief 15 minute consult at no charge to answer any concerns you may have! Or to schedule an appointment!
