Flaxseed Ranch Dressing

Note: This recipe requires preparation the night before.

3 Tbsp. Golden Flaxseed
1 Tbsp. Pumpkin Seeds
2/3 Cup Water
1 Drop Lemongrass Essential Oil, optional
½ Cup Fresh Lime Juice
1 Cup Salute Sante Grapeseed Oil
3 Tbsp. Agave
1 Drop Marjoram Essential Oil - this is sweet marjoram(marjorona hortensis), optional

1. Overnight soak the golden flaxseed and pumpkin seeds in water with lemongrass essential oil. Or, use only the golden flaxseed and omit the pumpkin seed.

2. Combine lime juice, Agave, marjoram essential oil, and the soaked golden flaxseed with or without pumpkin seed together and blend in Vita Mix. With the blender still running, slowly drizzle the grapeseed oil into this mixture. Then blend on high until mixture is light colored and creamy.

-Omitting the essential oils will give a more true Ranch Dressing flavor that can also be used as a dip for fresh vegetables.
-Add to leftover breast of chicken diced to make chicken salad. Use this as a spread or salad dressing.
Carol Brosius
Carol Brosius
